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11-House on Literary Hill 

Built in 1885 by Capt. J.E. DeVaughn for his new bride "Mollie" Porter, this is a fine two-story neoclassical style home.  The porch has four Corinthian columns and two Corinthian monumental pilasters, all of which are fluted.   Modillions and a large fanlight window can be found in the pedimented top of the porch.  There is a nice balustraded balcony on the second floor entrance.

 12-Carl Savage House 

A fine turn of the century residence.  Note the wraparound veranda with rounded corner porches.  The porch roof is supported by slender Corinthian columns with dentil work along the eaves.  The second story eave sports brackets.   The house still retains its original slate roof.  Note the dormer and chimneys with their paneled shafts and corbeled caps


South Dooly and Cherry Streets exhibit a fine collection of late 19th century and early 20th century commercial architecture. 

Macon County Chamber of Commerce / Welcome Center 

Built in 1906 with money from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation, this building is one of Macon County's finest.  Take a moment to visit the Chamber of Commerce.  It is even more impressive on the interior with its massive wooden doors and columns.

Montezuma Depot - Macon County Historical Museum 

This building reflects the importance of the railroad in marketing agricultural goods.  Note the paired brackets along the eaves.  The museum houses a model railroad display, artifacts, and historical items from Macon County.

14-Montezuma United Methodist Church 

Built in 1916, this church is an outstanding landmark with its large Doric columns and pediment.  In the recessed doorway is a pressed tin ceiling.

15-First Baptist Church 

Constructed in 1899, this red brick building sits prominently on North Dooly Street.  Note the interesting belfry and the dentil work along the eaves.   The church's doors are accented by fan lights.

16-McKenzie Home 

This elaborate turn-of-the-century Classical Revival structure is one of the finer homes in town.  Large Corinthian columns with elaborately decorated entablature grace the front of the house.  Note the decorated pediments over the first floor windows and the balustraded balcony over the second floor entrance.

17-Windham Home 

An early 1900's neo-classical home that reflects the prosperity of those years.  A brick structure with accurate use of classical entablature of Doric columns.  Note the side carports.


A beautiful 1890's home with wraparound porch.  Note the letter "M" on the front gable.

21-Watson-Mathews Funeral Home 

An unusual building with large conical porch roof and oval entrance hall.   The structure sports fine dentil work and fluted columns.

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